Saturday, April 12, 2014

Catch Up

Tulips in Colonial Williamsburg
Today is a beautiful spring day and I'm sitting by the back door, which is opened with the sun pouring in and a beautiful, gentle breeze flowing through.  When I started "fasting from Facebook", it was cold and snowy outside. I love the seasons - and this is a very welcomed spring!

I've been "fasting from Facebook" for the season of Lent. However, I must admit, I have had to cheat a few times. I stay connected with family there, and there have been some family issues that I felt required me to check Facebook from time to time.

I also see that I have missed a lot from friends, when I log in for quick family updates. I have two friends that have lost loved ones since I have been "off" - two, that I know of, that is (from the quick log ins for family checks).

But, what I've learned from this experience is that I had been spending WAY too much time online. I love to read and one thing would lead to another. There are so many fun posts from a lot of different people and I love to read so many of them (even if I don't click "like"). Because of the time off, I have spent my time more productively - well, sometimes.

I missed my one game that I allow myself on Facebook, so I downloaded Candy Crush on my phone and that filled the game void. I completed the game as far as I could go without having to rely on friends. Once I got up to that level, I deleted it from my phone. I don't think anyone saw my request for "help". So, I now play Mahjonng all alone.

Another thing I have learned from my fast is that I prefer a phone call, letter or even an email for communication. I've been doing more texting than usual and I hate texting. What could be a two minute conversation over a phone call ends up being a forty-five minute text. Sigh. Just call. It's so much more efficient.

I've Skyped a bit more with some friends I haven't seen for awhile and that's been totally fun. I love Skype (or Google Hangout). It's fun to see someone's face and they are so gracious when they catch me without my make-up on or my hair fixed. We still have fun.

And, I think I will unsubscribe to a lot of the things I've subscribed. It will just make for a "cleaner" environment on my Facebook newsfeed. It will also keep me from reading too much online.

I've done more reading offline and have been enjoying old radio shows and audible books.

I've thought about breaking my fast early so that I can keep up better with family matters. I'm not sure just yet, but I'm thinking about it. So, stay tuned. It's almost over - one way or the other.

I miss you and will be glad to hear from you all when I return.