Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Fasting From Facebook

I've decided to try giving up Facebook for the forty days of Lent. I emphasize the word "try".

It's nothing personal against any of my friends. I've had several people tell me they will miss me and I appreciate knowing that so much. You never know who is reading your stuff or just using you for a number on their list.

But, sometimes I wonder if I'm addicted to some of these new Internet "toys". They certainly can be a distraction. Even now, as I sat down to do this blog, which needs to get up today, I went over to Facebook "real quick" to check a few things and caught myself being captured in all the news and the posts.

If it gets too rough, I might text or email a status from my phone to my Facebook page, but I do not plan on logging in and looking at my newsfeed. As well, this blog will be posting to my Wall, so my friends will still be hearing from me.

Facebook is where I do EVERYTHING. I get my news and weather there; play silly games if I get bored (when I could be reading a good book); recipes - oh, I love all the recipes that come through and, yes, I do try some of them (so, thank you for sharing); once in awhile I get an email from a friend - and that is always fun; I keep connected with family; have found some precious long lost friends; have "met" some precious people whom I've never met in person before; and - the reason I came on Facebook - keep connected with family and friends. So, can I stay away for forty days? I really don't know. But, I'm going to give it a shot. I was inspired by one of those precious Facebook people whom I've never met to give up Facebook for Lent.

If you are like I was a few years ago and haven't a clue what Lent is all about, you can check it out. I plan to use the time that is normally spent on Facebook to pray for my family and friends and see how I can use my time more productively. I plan to track my journey here.

So, follow me and let's see how this thing will work out. Will I make it or will I give in? And send me your encouragement because I know I will need it.

As for my Facebook friends, you can always email me, call me, Skype or Google Hangout with me or write me a letter via snail mail, if you want to pay for a fifty cents stamp. I'd love to hear from you all anyway you want to contact me because I will miss my Facebook friends as much as they will miss me.


Psalm 121:3 "He will never let your foot slip, nor will your guardian become drowsy." 

God reminds us that He is always ready to help us through life, no matter how difficult the task may seem.

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