Wednesday, March 5, 2014

First Day Off Of Facebook

Photo courtesy by Sura Nualpradid
Usually, when I wake up in the morning, I read my Facebook with a cup of coffee like humans, back in the day before Internet, read their newspapers.

Facebook is my morning newspaper. I look at the weather and only the news that interests me. Then, I'll see what my friends have posted since my last visit (which was usually just before bedtime) and read the recipes, the jokes, look at the art from my favorite artists, known and unknown,all while sipping on my hot cup of coffee.

Often, my dog will jump up on the sofa next to me where I am reading and bop the side of the laptop screen with his nose, indicating that I have been on long enough for his liking, while he longingly looks at his toy that he wants us to play with. I suppose I am neglecting the little fella for Facebook time.

This morning I logged onto Facebook very quickly just to post a "Happy Birthday" to one of my children. I was tempted to check my game "real quick", knowing that it wouldn't be quick at all. I wondered if anyone had tagged me on anything. But, I didn't check. I quickly logged off, feeling a sense of loss and went into the kitchen to start my breakfast.

I needed a distraction and found the perfect one to go with my breakfast. I clicked an app on my phone and found one of my favorite preachers to listen to while I ate my breakfast.

While eating and listening, I wondered if God have given me this perfect trade off - spending time alone with Him while I drink my coffee - instead of spending time with the Internet. I mean, I am giving this up for Lent and I was wondering if He was letting me know that He wants to spend time with me in the morning.

Now, I do spend time with God each day, but not first thing in the morning because I'm just not a morning person. I guess God knows I'm not a morning person and isn't really concerned about that. Maybe, in the mornings, He just wants me to listen to His Love Letter and, later, when I'm more awake, that is when I can talk with Him.

I wasn't tempted to get onto Facebook the rest of the day, like I thought I would be. I didn't miss it, like I thought I would. Maybe giving God the very first part of my day, instead of the Internet, is a better way to start the day off. Just knowing that God was actually interested in what I am doing for Lent was just another reminder that I really do matter to Him and that the little things in my life are actually important to Him.


Jeremiah 31:3 says, "And from far away the Lord appeared to His people and said, 'I love you people with a love that will last forever,. That is why I have continued showing you kindness.'" (NCV)

God loves us with an everlasting love. And He wants to have a relationship with us.

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